

Mission statement


ニゴテンは、親しい仲間たちのストリートウェアやネームロゴをデザインする小さな会社が母体となり出発しました。個性豊かな仲間たちの独創的な注文に答えていく中で、完璧なプロダクトはそれを求める人の中にしか存在しないことに気付きました。おりしもマーケットニーズは時代の多様化とともに進み、あたり前のように『ほかと同じ』であったことは『自分だけのオリジナル』というニーズに変化しました。ニーズの多様化をいち早く体感していた私たちは、あらかじめ考案しておいたプロダクトを提案するというスタイルを見直し、求める人の中にある理想のプロダクトをヒアリングし、それを具体化するというスタイルへシフトチェンジすることはさほど難しいことではありませんでした。あれから10年。グラフィックデザインを中心に、ひとつひとつのプロジェクトを大切に創りあげてきました。2005年からは新分野への挑戦を掲げ、新たに動画撮影における可能性を追求。このたび、フルハイビジョン動画の撮影を行うムービーデザイン部門を新たに新設し、名称も『nigoten』(ニゴテン)と改めました。 モノやサービスが氾濫する社会のなかで、私たちニゴテンを選んでいただいた意味を真摯に受け止め、与えられたミッションに対して情熱と感性と経験と技術と知識、これらすべてを惜しみなく発揮し活動を行い、お客さまのなかにある完璧なプロダクトを具体化し、そこに対価を超えた感動を付与することがニゴテンの使命です。ホームページ内では、お客様のガイドラインとなるように各種プランの内容や価格を掲載しておりますが、あくまで参考程度のものにすぎません。まずは、みなさまの中にある完璧なプロダクトをお聞かせください。そこからがニゴテンの始まりです。

Passion, sensibility, experience, skills, and knowledge: With these qualities guiding us, we are able to put our best foot forward for our clients. We always go the extra mile!Our mission statement.This business involves close friends with extensive experience in the apparel and logo design companies. In dealing with customers, we have come to appreciate one key fact:⇒A perfect product exists in the mind of the person who wants it. Market needs have become diversified lately. As a result, people want to have “something uniquely their own” rather than “something that many others also have.” With the early recognition on our part that people’s needs have become diversified, it wasn’t really difficult for us to shift certain business gears. What we have been doing for years is to understand the essence of the ideal product that one really wants and make it a reality. Ten years have passed since then. We have been carefully creating a number of projects around graphic design.We have been seeking the challenge of moving into new fields since 2005, for example, s to pursue the possibility of shooting videos. Now, we have a new movie design department, enabling us to film a full hi-vision video. This department’s name is Nigoten. We promise to take customers’ needs to heart. We endeavor to perform our mission with enthusiasm, experience, artistic skill, and knowledge in order to bring customers’ ideal products into reality. Again, our mission is to impress you by helping you realize that dream you may have in your mind. Various plans and prices are listed on our homepage, but they should be used only as a guide. So, first of all, please share with us the perfect product you have in mind. This will be the beginning of Nigoten.


〒166-0013 東京都杉並区堀ノ内2-19-1-201
[TEL] 090-5324-5738

〒224-0065 横浜市都筑区高山19-7-208
[TEL] 045-567-6725


おだやかな日差しにつつまれたマイホームのリビング... TVに映し出されたのは、美しいフルハイビジョンムービー。まるで映画のような映像の中には、純白のドレス&タキシードを着た男と女。それは、ハリウッドスターでもお気に入りのミュージシャンでもありません。




1 In a living room with the glint of a ray of sunlight, you are watching beautiful full hi-vision movie on TV. It is like a newly released movie; a man and a woman wearing a pure white dress and tuxedo. They are not your favorite Hollywood stars, but you. You are the leading characters. 2 Nigoten’s bridal movie can make one moment eternal with impressive quality at a surprisingly reasonable price. The quality of digital technology has become incredibly high. Currently, we can make a HD high-vision moving picture with home video camera or smart phone. 3 Regarding equipment, the line between professional and amateur no longer exists. Many non-professional people use hi-end vid eo cameras and equipment. 4 However, customers’ needs have diversified now, so it could be difficult to meet customers’ needs by just focusing on high-quality equipment. We believe bridal video recording industry is now at a turning point. First, we want to point out that traditional filming put its efforts into recording the wedding reception. We, Nigoten, shoot the wedding differently. Our movie is really creative. We make you the stars of your own movie!, 5 We believe that something that you and your family can enjoy completed bridal movie for years to come. Why not let Nigoten bridal movie capture for you what must be one of the most important days of your life – in a truly creative, and memorable way? . Now, why don’t you share with us the perfect image you have in mind.


  • シネマ・プラン


    • ・お支度~リハーサル~挙式~披露宴
    • ・本編約15分
    • ・プロカメラマン1名
    • ・プロカメラ1台
    • ・DVD1枚
  • 各種オプション

    • - DVD追加 -
    • ・3枚 ¥Ask
    • ・5枚 ¥Ask
    • ・10枚 ¥Ask
    • - フルハイビジョン ブルーレイディスク(BRD)納品 -
    • ・1枚 ¥Ask
    • ・BRD追加 2枚 ¥Ask
    • ・スマートフォン用(データ納品) ¥Ask



With the drive towards minimizing advertising costs and maximizing cost-benefit performance, it is not surprising that businesses are attracted to low-cost social networking sites. Many companies are linking their web sites to various social networking sites as a way of attracting high quality users in an efficient way. For many years, we have been producing TV commercials and have the experience of producing videos that are highly suitable for the web environment. We are capable of producing high quality commercial messages (CM) to promote your products and services, including the provision of operational support on social networking sites. If you are convinced you have a winning product, we can help you make this known to the world. Why not let us start a fruitful collaboration?



We are known for making promotional films and videos. In this connection, we have had a longstanding relationship with Kurosawa Film studio Ltd which is noted for its large volume of work on TV Commercial Messages and promotion videos. Whether in the production of motion pictures or still images, high quality footage and music can have a great impact on people. Our skill is in satisfying you by getting the full potential of your message to emerge. Check out our own music movie below. Please let us know what products or services you are passionate about and we will help you make it known to the rest of the world. Let us begin a potentially fruitful collaboration.



It might interest you to know that we have begun getting requests for producing films. Some of the items on our agenda include filming events, conferences, seminars, and parties. You may also be considering an event that you want to capture on film or video. Get in touch with us and let us see how we can capture your message on film for posterity.


    • ・セミナー、国際会議、総会、レセプションなどのダイジェスト映像
    • ・1台のカメラでシンプルに撮影
    • ・撮影から編集、DVD作成までパッケージ
    • ・カメラマン1名
    • ・DVD1枚
    • ・セミナー、国際会議、総会、レセプションなどの記録映像
    • ・1台のカメラでシンプルに撮影
    • ・撮影から編集、DVD作成までパッケージ
    • ・カメラマン1名
    • ・DVD1枚
    • ・セミナー、国際会議、総会、レセプションなどの記録映像
    • ・2台のカメラで様々なシチュエーションに対応
    • ・撮影から編集、DVD作成までパッケージ
    • ・カメラマン2名
    • ・DVD1枚
    • ・セミナー、国際会議、総会、レセプションなどの記録映像
    • ・3台のカメラでより高度なシチュエーションに対応
    • ・撮影から編集、DVD作成までパッケージ
    • ・カメラマン3名
    • ・DVD1枚
    • - DVD追加 -
    • ・3枚 ¥Ask
    • ・10枚 ¥Ask
    • - フルハイビジョン ブルーレイディスク(BRD)納品 -
    • ・1枚 ¥Ask
    • ・スマートフォン用(データ納品) ¥Ask